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Scope and Sequence: Family

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Sample Unit Title Word Count Core Values Vocabulary Language Functions
1 The Four Seasons - Summer 59 Honour your father and mother.
  • summer
  • sunny
  • sunshine
  • sun
  • can I...?
  • outside/inside
Describe the seasons and the weather
Ask simple questions
2 The Four Seasons – Autumn 59 Honour your father and mother.
  • autumn
  • outside/inside
  • rainy
  • raincoat
  • can I...?
Describe the seasons and the weather
Ask simple questions
3 The Four Seasons - Winter 58 Honour your father and mother.
  • winter
  • snowing
  • snow
  • can I...?
  • outside/inside
  • warm/cold
Describe the seasons and the weather
Ask simple questions
Sample Unit Title Word Count Core Values Vocabulary Language Functions
1 The Easter Egg Hunt – Part 1 79 Realise life and love in family – send blessings to family members at special times of year
  • What...?
  • Why...?
  • Easter
  • finding
  • remember
Ask simple questions
2 The Easter Egg Hunt – Part 2 74 Realise life and love in family – send blessings to family members at special times of year
  • What can...?
  • Can we...?
  • Can...?
  • card
  • pencils
Ask permission to do simple things
3 The Magic Tree – Part 1 75 Love your family with harmony and respect - always say 'thank you' and 'please'
  • What is your name...?
  • magic
  • please
  • sign
Introduce yourself
Sample Unit Title Word Count Core Values Vocabulary Language Functions
1 The Invitation – Part 1 87 Understand family – husband and wife – make up a family
Honour your father and your mother
  • Let's
  • clean...
  • tidy...
  • invitation
Respond to simple rules and instructions
2 The Invitation – Part 2 90 Understand family – husband and wife – make up a family
Honour your father and your mother
  • Invitation
  • Sunday
  • what time...?
  • 12:30pm
Ask and tell the times, days and dates
3 The Invitation – Part 3 88 Understand family – husband and wife – make up a family
Honour your father and your mother
  • Rainbow
  • paint
  • clean
  • dirty
  • washes
Respond to simple instructions
Sample Unit Title Word Count Core Values Vocabulary Language Functions
1 Golden Stories – Part 1 118 Love your family with harmony and respect - listen patiently to what grandparents say
  • Please will you...?
  • Is this...?
  • story
  • fisherman
  • foggy
  • lighthouse
  • dolphins
Seek and provide information
2 Golden Stories – Part 2 119 Love your family with harmony and respect- listen patiently to what grandparents say
  • Horse
  • sheep
  • farmer
  • safe
  • lost
Identify common animals Express feelings
3 The Lovely Surprise – Part 1 118 Realise life and love in family – help with housework
  • Tidy
  • clean
  • you can...
  • cloth
  • floor
  • shine
Give and respond to simple rules and instructions
Sample Unit Title Word Count Core Values Vocabulary Language Functions
1 The Loaves and Fishes – Part 1 140 Understand family – read God's words in the family
  • Tell us...
  • Can I...?
  • Can...?
  • Will...?
  • dreaming
Make simple requests
Follow simple commands
2 The Loaves and Fishes – Part 2 138 Realise life and love in family
Understand family
  • Tidy
  • not tidy
  • likes
  • lost
Give a simple description of oneself in terms of habits
3 The Loaves and Fishes – Part 3 138 Understand family – read God's words in the family
Understand we are God's family
  • some
  • any
Talk about quantities